5 Things I Think Wonder Woman (2017) Should Do to Be Good
5 Things I Think Wonder Woman (2017) Should Do to Be Good
DC's movies in their EU hasn't been very good in my opinion. Man of Steel was okay. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice was even worse. And Suicide Squad is arguably even worse than BvS. I've been disappointed in DC with their films to take on Marvel's movies. I'm more of a DC fan than a Marvel fan, so I want their movies to succeed. Suicide Squad was actually supposed to be the last straw for me for DC movies. I said if Suicide Squad somehow sucks, then I'm not going to watch another DC movie again. But, when I saw the Wonder Woman trailer, I thought that this could be good and I'm bringing my hopes up again and giving DC one more chance. So, these are my 5 things I would want to see the next Wonder Woman movie do or not do that I think will make it good.
#1: Don't Make It A Feminist Movie
Okay, what do I mean by "feminist movie"? Since this is the first movie in the lineup of DC that includes a female lead role, I want the female character to be naturally cool and powerful like how she was in the comics. I don't want them to be overly politically correct and pander to the extreme feminists by making her unrealistically invincible to everything or not struggle within the plot of the movie because she's a woman and blatantly shove down feminist messages down the audiences throat like "See, women can be strong just like men". I'm not saying don't make female characters strong. I'm saying don't make it so forced because if you make it forced, it loses the authenticity of the action. Just don't bang us over the head with forced feminist messages.
#2: Make an Interesting Villain
I would really love for this movie to have an interesting villain. We really don't know what the villain is yet, but I'm hoping that the movie reveals a truly menacing and villainous character with depth. You know, I've gotten sick and tired of superhero movies with bad villains in them. The villains must be as good (in terms of quality) as their heroes. It better not be yet another generic villain that just wants to destroy the world for some reason or something. Give villains interesting character and motives please.
#3: Make Diana an Emotionally Complex and Naturally Strong Character
I know this is basically what my first point was saying, but I think this point expands off of it. I want to see Diana struggle emotionally when she first becomes Wonder Woman. In the trailers, we can see she meets a man for the first time - Steve Trevor, who is sometimes a love interest to Wonder Woman in the comics. We can also see probably a dear friend of hers died from one of the bullets shot by the soldiers. Then, she steps up to become Wonder Woman and go out to the outside world. This is a huge opportunity for the writers to make Diana's character interestingly complex and emotionally driven to feel for the character as audience members. I mean, don't make Wonder Woman such a shallow character that shows how beautiful she is. Look, Gal Gadot is a pretty woman, but I don't want to see Wonder Woman because she's pretty. I want to see her because she can kick some butt
#4: Have Good Action Sequences. DUH!
Obviously, the fundamental thing you should have in movies like this other than good writing is to have good action. What would make it great is if they placed some action sequences that place Wonder Woman in truly dangerous situations and make the scene tense. Yes, I know. She's Wonder Woman and she's super strong and whatnot. But, it will be very boring if she constantly got the upper hand and never lost or is never losing to a fight. I'm not saying have her get beaten up all the time. Of course not. She's Wonder Woman. But, how am I supposed to feel the tension of the action if she's never challenged, which is kinda what it looks like in the trailers?
#5: Don't Spend So Much Time Setting Up a Universe
Look, we know they're making a DC cinematic universe with these movies. One of the main complaints of Batman v Superman is that it's basically just a trailer for the next upcoming DC movies. That doesn't need to happen again. I don't mind universe-building and setting movies in tiny bits, but don't overblow it with this one. Since the DCEU is kinda early in its development considering it started in 2013 with Man of Steel, compared to Marvel's that started in 2008 with Iron Man. The thing I don't like about these DC films is that Warner Bros is rushing way too hard in the DCEU. They need to slow it down. They need to spend more time building up the characters themselves and making good movies, so when we get to the Justice League movies, we actually care about these people. This is the first Wonder Woman movie in the DCEU. They don't need to use it to market their next Wonder Woman or Justice League movies or whatever. BUILD CHARACTER!
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