The Incredibles (2004) Review
The Incredibles is the 2004 animated film directed and written by Brad Bird (one of my favorite directors), and starring Craig T. Nelson, Holly Hunter, Sarah Vowell, Spencer Fox, Samuel L. Jackson, Jason Lee, and Elizabeth Pena. That's a lot of people.
This isn't a movie I just saw. This is just a movie that I love so much that I would just want to do a review on. I'm thinking about doing other reviews like this where I just do a bunch of random movies that I remember and doing reviews on them. Enjoy the review.
The Incredibles is about a man named Bob Parr (a.k.a Mr. Incredible) who is retired due to a government action to restrict any superhero activity. The government has proposed a policy to conceal any superhuman activity due to the amount of damages caused by the superheroes, which will make the superheroes be accountable for their actions. 15 years later, Bob is working as an insurance accountant and he hates it. He wants to get back into the game. Working for a secret organization, he completes various tasks and he ends up meeting the iconic villain, Syndrome.
This movie is so good. Everything in this movie is nearly perfect. Animation is stellar. Character design is great. Character composition is amazing. The film is so well-written.
The film is very deep even for a simple concept such as a family of superheroes. It's more mature than what you would expect from a movie like this and I love it. Everything about this movie is so great.
The dialogue is so memorable and so iconic. The scene with Frozone and his wife alone is legendary. Oh my god, the pacing is perfect in this film.
Even though I already mentioned it, the character composition is so good. Almost every character is given some sort of charm or something interesting about them that make you care about them. And even though this is technically a superhero film, what this film excels at better than most superhero films made today is the character composition. These are well-written and realized characters with real flaws and real dilemmas that we can relate to. Mr. Incredible just wants to help people and he wants to get back into the game. Elastigirl just wants a family. She loves her husband but she doesn't want her husband leaving them and doing things on his own. Violet is a shy girl who hides away from her strengths. Dash is sick and tired of everybody in society pushing him back and not letting him use his powers so people won't feel less special.
The themes of teamwork, not shying away from what makes you special, celebrating what makes you a different person, the criticisms of the philosophy that "everybody's special" or "everybody deserves a trophy", the rewarding of mediocrity in society, and objectivism are all such great themes that the film explored and I love it.
And last but not least, the film has such an amazing soundtrack composed by Michael Giacchino. I've listened to the soundtrack like 20 times and it's so great.
This movie is so good that it was difficult for me to find a negative. There's bound to be a nitpick in the plot somewhere. I found it was inconsistent how they handled the government action to restrict superheroes. Does the policy apply to supervillains as well? How did they all of a sudden disappear? Did they just stop them from doing crime? And when The Incredibles came back to being superheroes again, they just didn't care that the whole reason that the policy was in place was so the heroes can be accountable of the damages. They came back and they were still doing a whole lot of damage.
I know the negative I just mentioned was nitpicky at best, but for every good movie, there is bound to be a nitpick somewhere.
I mean, if you've made it this far into the review, you can tell already that this movie is an A+. It's such a great animated film and one that I consider a classic among Pixar's catalog of animated films they've made. It's certainly one of the best animated movies ever made and arguably the best from Pixar.
Score: A+
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