Spy (2015) Review

Spy (2015) Review

The Introduction 

Spy is a comedy movie about a desk jockey, Susan Cooper (played by Melissa McCarthy) who takes the job as an undercover spy. She worked with a real agent like Bradley Fine (played by Jude Law) until Bradley is assassinated by Rayna Boyanv (played by Rose Byrne). So, she takes the job of an agent to avenge Bradley.

To start off, this movie is surprisingly good. It's one of those movies where you expect to suck, but it actually surprises you. It's not AMAZING, but it is a really fun film. This movie will make you laugh...a lot.

The Good Things About The Movie

1. Good Sense of Humor - I really admired how good the humor was in the movie. It made me laugh plenty of times throughout in the movie. This movie is probably one of the best I've seen from Melissa McCarthy, and it's no surprise to me when I figured out that the same director from this movie directed The Heat. This is what Melissa McCarthy is good for and this movie shows her acting and comedic talent.

2. The Characters - I loved pretty much everyone in the film. Melissa McCarthy did an excellent job. I think Jason Statham's character was the best. Spy is one of those movies where it shows Statham's comedic side.

3. I also like how the movie makes fun of itself - The movie kind of takes things from generic spy movies like James Bond and makes fun of them. It was pretty neat writing. I like movies that take generic archetypes and they twist them and make fun of them in a way, and that's what they did in this movie.

The Bad Things About The Movie 

1. I didn't like the villain - To me, I personally think that the villains were really lame. I know that the villains aren't supposed to be really that great like the good villains from other movies. But, I just didn't find myself sucked into it and I was just rolling my eyes when they portrayed themselves as serious and cool, but they end up trying to be goofy. But, that didn't bother me that much.

Verdict & Conclusion

I can't really say a lot about this movie. It's funny. That's it and that's all there is to this movie. It's a funny and enjoyable movie and it doesn't try to be serious. It doesn't try to be anything special.

If you like Melissa McCarthy, if you like fun comedies that are actually funny and have good sense of humor, Spy is the movie for you.

Score: 8.2/10


  1. It’s not exactly The Raid but there’s something to be said for this type of film that both delivers on the comedy and action in pretty much equal measure.


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