The Lego Batman Movie (2017) Review
The Lego Batman Movie is the animated comedy film directed by Chris McKay, written by Seth Grahame-Smith, Chris McKenna, Erik Sommers, Jared Stem, and John Whittington, and starring Will Arnett, Michael Cera, Rosario Dawsom, and Zach Galifianakis.
The Plot
After telling the Joker he is not his greatest villain, Joker has an evil plan to destroy Gotham city and Batman. Batman, once again, has to save the city from the Joker while also learning how to work with others.
The Positives
I admire its aggressive and quirky sense of humor. Yes, the jokes move very fast, but I find that the comedy here is pretty decent with many pop culture references to the Batman comics. It's something that fans of Batman will really laugh at.
Once again, the animation here looks pretty solid.
The Negatives
Although the movie does have many funny jokes, the comedy here is very hit or miss. Half of the jokes land, and when they land, it's pretty funny. However, at the same time, half of the other jokes were just alright to me. They weren't funny enough for me to laugh.
The movie's quirkiness, in my opinion, got stale for about the second half of the movie and it got a bit boring in some parts in that section.
Overall, I had a good time with The Lego Batman Movie, despite it losing its edge at the last half. It's a pretty decent film for everyone I think.
Score: B-
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